7 July to 9 July 2023 – The BBBF is pleased to announce the successful conclusion of its recent retreat, which brought together the Chair and members of its Executive Committee.
The retreat took place in Kota Kinabalu from 7 July to 9 July 2023 provided a valuable opportunity for focused discussions, strategic planning, and relationship-building in a relaxed setting.
The Chair and Executive Committee discussed future plans for the BBBF, strategised on partnerships and set long term goals for the forum and formulated strategies to achieve these goals.
During the retreat, an Executive Committee was also held with members of the Executive Committee who did not travel to Kota Kinabalu virtually attending the meeting.
Attending the Retreat were: Pg Aki, Chair of BBBF, Miriam Wolber, Honorary Secretary and Ambrose Nathan, Honorary Treasurer. Executive members attending were Alina Malik, Charles Ting, Manuel Bluens, Siva Subramaniam and Yeeman Cheng.